Sunday, March 24, 2013

Vintage Hanky Pillows

In my cedar chest I've kept a collection of beautiful hand-crotched handkerchiefs that my grandmother made. Recently added to this collection were more handkerchiefs from my mother that she had saved. They were given to her by her mother mostly in birthday cards. In mentioning this to my sister, she sent me her collection as well as her wedding handkerchief.

So why did everyone send me their handkerchief collections? Well, what do you do with them really? Yet, they are not the sort of thing you want to discard as they really are beautiful. I had mentioned to my family that I was going to experiment with them to see how they'd make up into little heirloom vintage hanky pillows. So far, I've made 7 and I'm really liking how they turn out. I've found some pretty fabric to use as a backer for some of the white hankies and other coordinating fabric to use as a front or back. They are fun to make and just all look so different!

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